Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Week Three Wrap-up

It meant to get this posted a few days ago, but time just got away from me. Anyway, I have finished my third week and I'm still moving along. I had my first "bad" run on Sunday. My dad came down and ran with me again. He took me on a super hilly course that I swear was up hill both ways. We got out at 7 AM, but it was already 80 degrees. By the time we got back at 8:30 AM it was 89 degrees. So in addition to the grueling hills, there was sweltering heat.

The first half of the run was better than the second even though it was mostly uphill. I kept thinking the second half would be great because it would be mostly downhill, but it didn't turn out that way. I survived though and went eight miles. I wasn't as fast as I was last week, but that was to be expected. Overall, given the situation, I guess the run wasn't that bad, it just felt like it at the time, and for a few hours afterward. I'm glad my dad was with me though, he definitely pushed me through the hard parts and made me keep running up those hills!

So here is the wrap-up of week 3:

Planned: 23 miles
Actual: 24.6 miles
Average Pace: 10:32
Calories burned: 3210

Once again I surpassed my planned miles. This week I want work on stretching and not feeling as stiff throughout the day. my legs feel tight all the time now. That is one downside of being a banker, I stand for eight hours a day so my legs don't really get to rest in between runs.

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