Friday, September 11, 2009

Only A Few Long Runs Left!

Well I only have about a month and a half left in training! My last two long runs have actually been good. Last week I hit the bike trail were the race a majority of the race is going to be run. I did 19 miles and was quite pleased with the outcome. I was feeling strong the first 12 miles or so. Then I started to get really hungry. By mile 15 I had nothing left in the tank so I did find myself walking a lot towards the end. But I still had a decent pace of 11:46. It was nice running somewhere different. The change of scenery was a motivation in itself. I also tried listening to a book on tape. It was the best decision I think I have ever made. I am totally hooked on them now. They really make the time go quickly and I find myself getting so involved with the story and focusing less on my pain and suffering. I have been listening to thrillers so it makes me want to run so I can find out what happens next. So far I have finished "Runaway Jury" by John Grisham and "The Overlook" by Michael Connelly.

My long run today was 20 miles. My pace was a little slower, but I expected that because it was 90 degrees out by the time I finished. When I started, at 6:30 AM, it was 70 degrees. I knew the moment I stepped out the door that today was going to be a challenge. Once again I was feeling pretty strong till about mile 13, but then the heat really started to get to me. I did what I could to cool off, but you can only do so much. I dunked myself in a sprinkler at one point and it felt oh so good. I also stopped at Safeway twice and filled my hat with ice cubes from the soda machine after I filled my bottle with ice water. At one point I was out of water and had to stop at Starbucks for a refill. All in all I had to make 5 pit stops to refill my water. About a mile from my house I saw some construction guys spraying something out of a hose. I was going to ask them to spray me, but as I got closer I noticed it wasn't water, it was some green substance. I was thoroughly disappointed.

Overall I do feel a great deal stronger than I did when I started this training, but honestly I have no idea how I am going to be able to pull this off. I keep a positive attitude, but I know some sort of miracle is going to be needed. I suggest everyone should start praying for me now, I'm thinking a last minute prayer isn't going to work!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fight the Boredom

I went to the library and I got a few books on tape to see how those would entertain me on my long runs. I'm starting to run out of podcasts so I needed a new plan. In addition to getting the books, I also got some audio CDs so I can try and learn to speak Italian. I figured I might as well use that time to make myself smarter. I'm not sure how well it will work out, but it's worth a shot. So if you see me running down the road and it looks like I'm talking to myself, at least you'll know I'm talking to myself in Italian!

Week 12 Wrap up: Is it October Yet?

Time got away from me this past week because I went away for a three day weekend to San Francisco. Last week my runs were okay. I was very pleased with my long run on Friday. I wanted to get it done before we went out of town because I really didn't want to map out an 18 mile route through the streets of Frisco. The run itself was quite warm, as I got out a little later than usual. Even though I did walk some at the end, I ran most of it quite strong. Forty-five minutes after completing my run, I was in the car and driving down to the Outside Lands musical festival in Golden Gate park. Once we got to the motel, we have to walk two miles to the show and then I spent another 3 hours or so standing and then walked 2 miles back to the motel. My legs were quite tired after all of this and they let me know they were not pleased with my actions. I ended up taking Saturday off and swimming at the motel inside of running.

On Saturday we changed motels and went to San Leandro and stayed at the San Leandro Marina Inn. It was fabulous! Sunday morning I woke up early and took a 4.5 mile run along the bay and the marina. The weather was perfect and it was a pleasant change from the streets of Folsom. The picture above is a shot of the marina from our balcony. I was going to take my camera on my run but I forgot it. When I got back I indulged myself in the best continental breakfast. I wish I could do that after every run.