Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Life as a Runner: Blisters

I have my first ailment I sad to say, and it's a doosey! Sunday's run produced a small blister on the arch of my right foot. At first it didn't seem too bad and I barely felt it. Fast forward 3 days, and 12 miles later. Now it's a different story. Normally I am able to drain my blisters, they dry up and that's the end of it. Obviously that is not going to work this time. I have been draining it the past few days and instead of drying up, it is has become incredibly painful, itchy and infected. Right now I have a cold baking soda paste on it (to help with the itching) and it is wrapped with a gauze pad and ace bandage to give it some padding. I was able to run 5 miles this morning and it didn't really bother me. I'm not sure why all of a sudden it flared up? I'm hoping it will be better in the morning. If it's not, I'm going to be in trouble. I'm having difficulty walking properly now and I can't imagine standing on it all day tomorrow the way it feels now (I had the day off today). Let's all hope for the best!

Besides using today's post as a whining session, I thought I would do a product review. I'm one of those people who will see an advertisement for a new product and I just have to try it. Sometimes the products turn out to be good, other times, bad. Band-Aid brand Blister cushions fall into the bad category. I was very disappointed and I would not recommend them. For one thing, they are a bit pricey for only 4 band-aids. When you first take it out of the wrapper, you think hey, this might actually work. The pad is thick and cushy and the sticky part appears more spongy than a plain band-aid. That is were it ends though. The advertisements claim it stays in place and promotes healing. Well it doesn't stay in place at all. I could see where it was already trying to come off before I even got my sock on. By the end of my run it had slid up to my ankle (it started on the arch of my foot). As for the promoting of healing? I couldn't tell you, but I'm guessing that's not true either if it won't stay in the right place to begin with. So I give this product an A for looks, and an F in performance. A regular band-aid and a cotton ball is way more effective.


  1. Thanks for the product review. I hope your pussy, infected foot is all better by the morning? Call me crazy, but I'm guessing running the 5 miles may have irritated and infected it?

    When is your actual race again? I was assuming it was in a year, but your dad said October?!

  2. The race is Oct 31, 2009 at 7am.
