Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Never Say Never

These last few runs have gone well. While I'm running, it seems like I'm always stiff, and I feel like I have weights tied to my feet. But when I'm done, I look back and say, man...that was a great run. I guess that's a good thing. I did a little bit of a tempo run yesterday. Today was another four miles of hill repeats. Last week I ran 6 of them and this week I only ran 5, but I turned up the intensity a bit. It felt good, but the fatigue was definitely there when I finished.
I can't wait for my long run on Saturday. My dad is going to come down and run with me. For the most part I enjoy running with him; however, he has been know to take me on some brutal 20 milers. He is also a really bad judge of distance or he pretends to be. He says, oh it's just another mile, and then it turns out to be like 3 miles. I've learned to take the distance that he says and then multiple it by three. We have fun though on our runs. I always run faster with him than I do by myself. To this day it still amazes me that I'm able to run with him. I never thought I would be good enough. Once again, never say never!
Tomorrow I am going to take it easy and just do a light 2-3 miler. Friday will be my rest day and then Saturday my long run. So far I am still enjoying this whole process. Hopefully I will still be saying that in three months. I still have no doubts that I can accomplish this goal. I think there are a few people out there who think I won't make it but I will prove you non-believers wrong! When I get certain ideas in my head, there is only plan A, no plan B and this is one of those ideas.

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