Monday, June 8, 2009

And So The Training Begins

Well I'm back from vacation and officially had my first day of training. It was a simple 3 mile run. While I was on vacation I did not run at all, but I walked plenty. Today's run was actually much better than I had anticipated. My calves felt tight for most of the run, but that was pretty much it. They did start to loosen up the last 1/2 mile or so. I always have issues with my calf muscles so I'm use to that happening. The weather was great. A nice cool breeze and a temp around 60 degrees. I am going to enjoy it while I can, for I know those hot days are just around the corner. Tomorrow is another 3 miler and I anticipate it will feel similar to today's run.

I downloaded a few new tunes last night to add to my running play list. It was great to hear them today. Something new and fresh always perks up a boring run. when I get into the longer distances, I am going to try books on tape to see how that works. I've listened to old radio shows in the past while running and they were a pleasant change. So we will see.

1 comment:

  1. Do you stretch out before and after? Is there a specific warm up/cool down routine that you favor?
